Client: Dunhaven Homes
Location: Currie, Edinburgh
Mix: 53 apartments (Phased as Block D, E & F Completed)
Tenure: Private for Sale / Affordable for Social Rent
Value: £9.4 Million
Contract: Design and Build
Sustainability: Silver Aspects 1 and 2, 'fabric first' design with innovative heat technology
Project Description
Lanark Road West features six blocks of three and four storeys situated in a prime location in Currie, Edinburgh. The apartments are a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms with 12 affordable homes and 41 for private sale (53 in total).
The development is designed to maximise benefit from the attractive natural surroundings, integrating level constraints and incorporating stunning views.
The site is located within a nature conservation area ‘of importance’. Landscape design proposals included a comprehensive environmental strategy. Key considerations were; preserving wildlife habitat; maintaining access for a variety of species; and encouraging biodiversity.
Provision of internal and external recycling facilities cuts down on food waste to landfill, saving up to 23.3kg of carbon emissions per household per week
Delivering Sustainable Homes
The sustainability ambition was to reduce carbon emissions and encourage greater use of bicycles and public transport. These homes are designed to a 'fabric first’ approach, Silver Aspects 1 and 2. The development has realised a 21% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. The low maximum demand for space heating is an impressive 30 kWh/m2.
- A highly insulated envelope to deliver superb energy performance. In addition, the blocks are orientated to benefit from solar gain.
- Implementation of cutting edge heat recovery technology contributes towards the UK Government Target of zero gas installed in new build homes by 2025.
- A cycle store supports the City of Edinburgh targets for sustainable transport. Based on the 10km return commute into the city, residents can save 200kg carbon per day if cycling.
Protecting the Natural Environment
- A 'Wildlife Corridor’ was created to encourage biodiversity and preserve the site's status as a nature conservation area.
- Surface water is retained and managed naturally on site (utilising a landscaped SUDs basin) to prevent it entering the drainage network.